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Visual Data Discovery for the Social Sciences and Humanities Context

This webinar is part of the TRIPLE Open Science Training Series.

The training session is dedicated to Visual Data Discovery in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and is presented by Michela Vignoli, Community Manager at Open Knowledge Maps, the world’s largest visual search engine for scientific knowledge.

Michela Vignoli starts the training session with a warm up discussion on discovery challenges in the SSH. A recurring issue researchers are confronted with when performing research on an unknown topic is the lack of visibility of research outputs. In that regard, both knowledge maps and streamgraphs can prove to be useful tools for SSH researchers.

Michela Vignoli offers an explanation on the different applications knowledge maps and stream graphs can have. She illustrates these differences through two live tutorials on the discovery features of the GoTriple platform so as to enable attendees to understand how to visually explore research topics with GoTriple and how to recognise trends in research with GoTriple.

You can download the slides here:

Learning Outcomes

After watching this video you should:

  • Understand how knowledge maps and stream graphs can help you overcome discovery challenges
  • Be able to visually explore research topics and recognize trends in research on the GoTriple platform.
  • Know how to produce and interpret knowledge maps and stream graphs with GoTriple.

Cite as

Michela Vignoli and Lottie Provost (2022). Visual Data Discovery for the Social Sciences and Humanities Context. Version 1.0.1. DARIAH-Campus. [Webinar recording]. http://localhost:3000/id/h8-F61Tx8UibkJU1R-CjY

Reuse conditions

Resources hosted on DARIAH-Campus are subjects to the DARIAH-Campus Training Materials Reuse Charter

Full metadata

Visual Data Discovery for the Social Sciences and Humanities Context
Michela Vignoli, Lottie Provost
Social Sciences and Humanities
Published to DARIAH-Campus:
Content type:
Webinar recording
CCBY 4.0
Data visualisation, Scholarly practice